Protecting You're Children's Heart, Mind & Future

Have you ever heard the saying, the eye's are the gateway to the soul. Have you ever seen the affects upon a child when they are exposed to movies that show violence? I'm not talking about after they have become conditioned after watching them for a few years. I'm talking about the very first time they are exposed to the images. Most children at that young age react with fear, deep concern and are deeply affected. Of course if that same child is permitted to view images of violence, after a while, they become numb to it. It merely becomes entertainment.

I've always been amazed at life in the sense of when a life enters this world. That tiny little infant basically has no knowledge of anything. He or she is just here. They depend upon their parents to feed them and care for them. They are born, open their eye's and see for the very 1st time.
What are your children watching and what is filling there heart, mind and soul
In His Glorious Name Ministries Online

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