Meet Christian Author Kirk Lewis, Put Away Childish Things

Title: Put Away Childish Things
By: Dr. Kirk Lewis
Review Date: January 13, 2014
A Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars

Put Away Childish Things by Dr. Kirk Lewis presents nine very familiar biblical characters into the forefront.  All these extraordinary men and women from the Bible are familiar stories, most likely in Sunday school.  Stories of Noah, Abraham, Daniel, Isaac, Miriam and more, yet the author gives insight into their calling that leaves an indelible imprint on the human soul.  You see, all these biblical characters present their lives as examples for us to live by, in which God reveals His love, protection and provision. 

Each one had their own feelings, character, flaws and misconceptions, yet they all have one thing in common – obedience in spite of feelings, convictions or thoughts on their part; they all obeyed God and served God unquestionably.  As the author notes, they undoubtedly must have had their own doubts, fears and confusion that they wrestled with in their minds.  We as believers also wrestle, yet we have the same choice when faced with the call of the Father – follow or flee? 

This book is a timely book in the season of many people's lives today – in that many are given a choice today: follow or flee?  Many individuals are being called and chosen, yet they have a choice, choose to trust and follow God or go about their own way, choosing their own free will.  These choices are not easy choices to make in one's life and sometimes God's call is not easy.  Poignantly, the author shares this truth and the truth of God's Word as something to be treasured, pondered and shared.   

In a poetic, creative and unique way, Dr. Kirk Lewis has given us their examples of what they faced, displaying the love of God as they chose to follow Him.  His writings offer insights into these simple men and women who were called and what they were called to that provide much encouragement and comfort.  Lewis has made these stories a reflection of the biblical stories we are aware of, but delves much deeper, into the heart attitudes of these incredible men and women that make their stories absolutely relevant today.   Putting Away Childish Things is not what you expect it to be, but yields a peculiar harvest for those that want to go deeper with God into the things of God.  An amazing and inspiring read!

You can get your copy of Put Away Childish Things at Amazon, in Kindle Edition, at Barnes and Noble and at other fine online bookstores. Be sure to get your copy today. Be sure to visit the author at Dr. Kirk Lewis or at his Facebook page.

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