Debra Diaz's Man of God, sequel to the her first epic novel, Woman of Sin

Title: Man Of God
Author: Debra Diaz
Date Reviewed: September 26, 2011
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars

"Man of God" by Debra Diaz, sequel to the her first epic novel, "Woman of Sin", continues the adventure and saga of true love, dedication, perseverance, romance, undying love for family and for Christ. Beautifully and masterfully written, author Debra Diaz, delights the reader with her descriptive imagery and her eloquent writing style. This epic novel is truly a mini-series in the making; you will not be able to put this book down!

Be transported back in time again by author Debra Diaz, be taken back to ancient Rome, to a time when Rome was at its height of glory and a bustling metropolis. Christ had just been crucified and believers in Christ were called, "Christians" and to believe in Christ as God, was to risk death, for 'Rome had many different Gods'.

Rome was a good place to hide for the two fugitives running for their lives. Young Alysia, now set free from slavery and Paulus Valerius Maximus, her true love, who has now taken Alysia as his wife, are both now steadfast believers in Christ, yet fugitives ever since Alysia's accusation of murdering an elite Roman. Their life will never be the same, yet they have each other and their daughter Rachel, now 8.

This novel, "Man of God" will keep you fully entertained and have you falling in love with the two main characters. Each day, Paulus, Alysia and Rachel exist in unity, enjoying and savoring each tender moment as it passes by. Life could not be better if it were not for knowing that at any given moment, their life and their daughter's life could be utterly turned upside down if they were discovered. Each day is a treasure, each day with each other is magnificent. Until that one fateful day…

Filled with intrigue and betrayal, this captivating novel takes the reader on a journey through the lives of young Alysia and Paulus Valerius, who has turned out to be quite a 'man of god'. Alysia, once doomed to a life of misery as a slave bound forever in chains, now has found love, stability and family life with her husband and their young daughter, Rachel. She has found Paulus and he has found her and nothing can separate them, nor can anything separate them from the love of Christ.

Author Debra Diaz has taken these two characters and shown how two can become one in Christ and how a marriage with Christ can be more rewarding and stronger than ever. With the scripture, "…and a threefold cord is not quickly broken" in mind (Ecc. 4:12 KJV), the author takes the reader to a new level of intimacy with the characters and dedication to Christ. The love of Christ shines brightly through this novel and will grip your soul. This novel is truly an epic journey of the Christian faith, true love and the freedom, forgiveness and new life found in Christ.

Coming Fall of 2011

Man of God by Author Debra Diaz

A Must Read Novel
10.0 stars
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews

A Must Read Book - Made in the Image of God, by Reid A. Ashbaucher

Title: Made in the Image of God
Author: Reid A. Ashbaucher
ISBN # 978-1-936076-78-9
Review Date: September 8, 2011
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars

Author Reid A. Ashbaucher, states in his book Made in the Image of God, "…the purpose of this book-to help define and reveal, in a new light, the concept of a triune God and his image imbedded, by design, in mankind." (p.66) Thus this is the essence of this book, to understand God, his design and the nature of things. The author challenges the reader to dig deeper into the scriptures to find knowledge of Him who created mankind.

To know God is to seek Him, have faith in Him and who He is. To gain a deeper revelation and understanding of Him is to acquire knowledge with understanding of who He is and who we are as humans. This book offers just that. Come gain a deeper understanding of the Word of God, who God is as the Creator of the Universe and who we are as we relate to him in an ever changing world.

This book offers a wealth of information from a man that has studied the Word of God and holds many theological degrees. Based on nothing but the Holy Scriptures, this book offers at times technical scientific ways as to understanding who God is, His Nature and Personhood. How do we relate to God who is Spirit, whom we cannot see, but yet believe is the Creator of the Universe and the giver of life? This book answers many of those questions.

Join the author as he invites you to embark on a journey that gives undeniable scriptural evidence that God is the Creator of the Universe by design thereby vividly giving biblical evidence and support in opposition to any forms of evolution, atheism, Gnosticism, Pantheism and Humanism. Each chapter builds upon each other that will lead the reader into a deeper knowledge of God.

Shedding light throughout this book, the author, answers many questions you may have about Christianity and God. Such as the question of who Jesus Christ was and how He was God incarnate upon the earth, sent to die for all the sins of the world. Or perhaps, you are wondering how a human is a spirit, soul and body. This intriguing and scriptural study will leave an indelible imprint on your soul and cause a greater appreciation of who God is and cause a deeper love of Him to grow, being the giver of salvation and the lover of our souls.

A highly recommend study for the person engaging in any biblical study in theology or for anyone desiring a deeper understanding and knowledge of God, His Nature, The nature of mankind and how we relate to God physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Systematic, concise and well written, this book offers answers to your many questions that man has as to how we as humans, living in a physical world, can relate to a supernatural, ever present and all powerful God. And how by "design", we as humans are 'made in the image of God'.

Made in the Image of God by Reid A. Ashbaucher

Highly Recommended
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews

A Must Read Book by Author Edward F. Mrkvicka Jr. with Kelly Helen Mrkvicka - No Innocent Affair

Title: No Innocent Affair
By: Edward F. Mrkvicka Jr. with Kelly Helen Mrkvicka
ISBN # 978 -1- 61777-768-4
Review Date: August 28, 2011
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars

No Innocent Affair by Edward F. Mrkvicka Jr. with Kelly Helen Mrkvicka takes a look at the plague of the 21st century and one of the main contributors to the destruction of the American family-the sin of Adultery. Being a lay minister and a man who has studied the Word for many years, the author, Edward F. Mrkvicka Jr., gives not his opinion, but gives the absolute truth of God's Word through an extensive categorical list of scripture therefore laying first a biblical foundation. Then by clearly stating first God's view and comparing it with Society's view, the author lays bare the truth about adultery and the devastating consequences of adultery, not only to the person who commits the sin, but to others we love in our life who are the innocent victims of this pervasive ripple effect sin that is so prevalent in our society.

Most do no realize the far-reaching consequences of the sin of adultery in their lives, nor the cost and the author makes no mistake that there is no such thing as 'an innocent affair'. This book is an eye opener for most and highly recommended for anyone either contemplating an adulterous affair or for those who may have been entangled in an adulterous affair. The author shows the way out with some of most practical teachings culminated from the infallible Word of God to bring others out of their sin and into the light of the Lord.

Openly, but lovingly, the author shares the unavoidable, yet dire consequences of adultery and reveals that not only does it affect our lives spiritually and physically, but the sin has a ripple effect that goes on to "… virtually every innocent person in our lives" (p.11). The consequences are so monumental, that no one in their right mind "armed" with the truth of God's Word would commit adultery, but sadly, the author concedes from a recent survey, "…that over 88 percent of Americans believe adultery is wrong. Yet 77 percent of marriages involve at least one adultery." This alarming fact in our society today is bringing many to the wide-path of destruction. Quite simply put, it is choosing death over life.

Edward Mrkvicka's true desire is two-fold, first for all those that may be contemplating adultery to know the absolute truth of God's Word and the dire consequences and for those that are in an adulterous affair or have been in the past that they would also realize the devastating consequences and that the truth would bring true repentance in their life. Lastly, Mrkvicka's desire is that all would receive eternal life in Jesus Christ. Again, the author does not give his opinion, but God's view and His Holy Word. This book offers no excuses, nor apologies, but gives the truth of the Word of God. This book is truly a blessing to the body of Christ and to all who read it.

This subject is not an easy subject to be discussed, nor is it very popular, but with so many on the path to destruction in our society it is a must read for anyone entangled in or contemplating adultery. This fascinating and well-written book exposes the truth and deception in the sin of adultery and brings forth light to the subject. Thankfully, the author ends that there is hope and states, "God can save us" (p.11). For there is one hope, and that one hope is the forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ. Come, read, know the truth and be set free.

No Innocent Affair by Edward F. Mrkvicka Jr. with Kelly Helen Mrkvicka

Highly Recommended

10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews

Christian Author Carol Lee Anderson's The Treasures of Darkness

Born in Australia and raised in Spokane, WA U.S.A. Carol Lee Anderson and her husband served in the Bible translation ministry with Wycliff Bible Translators located in Papau New Guinea. Carol currently teaches at the Moody Bible Institute at the Spokane campus.

The Treasures of Darkness is a wonderful and delightful fiction novel filled with adventure, mystery and action yet contains powerful biblical truths. Based upon Psalm 107, this novel was written keeping the family in mind. By avoiding graphic violence and magic, the author instead presents "family friendly" conflict and includes miraculous intervention. Psalm 107 comes to life in this adventure story set in the ancient and mythical land of Bellacosa.

With characters that will move the imagination, Carol has masterfully woven the pages of The Treasures of Darkness together to captivate the soul.

Follow young Julen taken from her home as only an innocent child, only to be brought and sold into slavery with no hope of redemption, until she meets the mysterious One who is her deliverer, who has the power to break her bonds apart and set her high upon the rock and hidden from her enemies.

Cryptic messages, a mysterious diary, the mythical stranger, the powerful dragon god and the plot to overthrow the kingdom of Bellacosa are only but a few glimpses into this wonderful novel filled with mystery and imagination.

Be prepared to be fully engaged in this page-turner that will keep you coming back for more. A truly captivating story and novel about the power of redemption and triumphant rescue.

Like all of us we are treasures hidden in the darkness waiting for the One who can truly rescue us. Come, be filled with hope, encouragement and faith as this novel unfolds.

The Treasures Of Darkness
By Carol Lee Anderson

ISBN: 9781453882351

September 5, 2011 For Immediate Release - Author Joseph F. Hyskell

(A Christian Book Marketing Press Release)
Monday September 5, 2011

Author Joseph F. Hyskell has been a pastor, teacher and missionary for 52 years. He has been instrumental in the establishment of five churches, three medical clinics and two seminaries in the Philippines. He continues to teach and lead medical and preaching missions in the Philippines as well. Dr. Hyskell holds the Bachelor of Arts, Master of Divinity, Doctor of Ministry, Doctor of Missiology, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees.

He also wrote "Act I, Iron Curtain Going Up" about his imprisonment in Hungary and Romania and his involvement in smuggling Bibles behind the Iron Curtain for six years.

Dr. Joseph F. Hyskell's life-work and passion is to witness lives changed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He continues to minister to the less fortunate, the sick, preaching the Gospel and continues to strengthen local pastors, church leaders and local congregations with the ministry of the Lord Jesus with encouragement and enthusiasm for the lost.

"From Heaven to Heaven" by Joseph F. Hyskell is a valuable chronicle or treatise on the virgin birth, life and ascension of Jesus Christ back to Heaven after His resurrection from the Cross. A detailed account, backed up by scripture, this start to finish read will quell any doubt within your soul about who Jesus Christ is-"…The Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world." (p. 8)

If you have ever doubted Christianity, wondered about the virgin birth, or pondered Heaven, this book is for you. Without a doubt, the Author Joseph F. Hyskell has revealed the scriptures in such a way that it is evident that the life and virgin birth of Jesus Christ is a reality that cannot be substituted for any other religious teaching. The birth, death and life of Jesus Christ is none other than from God Himself reconciling the sinful nature of man back to himself in a the most precious gift to mankind-Jesus Christ.

ISBN # 978-1-4357-6431-6

"Who's on Board?" by Dr. Joseph Hyskell Jr. is an inspiring and scripturally based bible study. The author discusses twelve checkpoints that help the reader to understand what it is to be a "born-again" believer. Filled with scripture application, Author Dr. Joseph Hysekll Jr., has carefully laid down a solid foundation built upon the Holy Scriptures. The twelve checkpoints then can be discussed in a small group setting or read individually. The author indicates that many profess to be a Christian, but their life does not demonstrate a life lead by the "indwelling" of the Holy Spirit. This book will identify the "born-again" believer and demonstrates the difference between knowing about God, and really knowing Christ in the power of His resurrection.

An exciting and short read, this book is an excellent ministering tool that can be used to bring others into the Kingdom of God. This study, as suggested by the author, is recommended for groups not bigger than ten to keep the teachings on a very personal level. Written with much wisdom from scripture and from a man that has over 52 years in ministry as a Pastor, teacher and missionary, Dr. Joseph Hyskell Jr.s' teaching has captured the essence of what it means to be "born-again."

ISBN #978-0-557-44627-8

From Heaven to Heaven and Who's On Board by Joseph F. Hyskell

A Christian Book Marketing Press Release
