The Son Of God Is Coming!
Written as received from the Lord on 3/20/04
How God Prepares Us To Receive Revelation
The weekend prior to receiving this revelation from the Lord, I attended a conference at the church were I am currently a member of the body of Christ.
The guest speaker at this conference was an annointed woman of God, named Heidi Baker, who along with her huband Rolland, the Lord has blessed with a worldwide minsitry, unto the nations, specifically the nation and people of Africa.
One week prior to the conference, a woman at church gave me a copy of Rolland and Heidi Baker’s book, “There Is Always Enough”. I had started reading the book that was given to me and eagerly awaited, sensing a stirring in my spirit, to hear Heidi Baker speak before the congregation.
Heidi came on a Wednesday evening in March. I believe it was March 17th, 2004. I found it interesting that she had been born and raised in Laguna Beach, California. Yet she had just traveled from the nation of Africa, just to speak at our conference.
What Heide Baker spoke was both real and inspiring. She shared her testimony of how God had called her into ministry and went on to speak about her trust and faith in God, as she minstered in nations where one had no choice, but to have trust and faith. She spoke of God’s love, His grace, His mercy and the awesome miracles of God. In her message she shared about how spoiled the church had become in America and the reality of the lost, hungry and poor within other nations. I was both deeply touched and moved by her testimony.
Yet even within all that she shared, the many desparate situations and circumstances within other countries, the lack of food, medical needs and being constantly surrounded by death. I noticed a genuine joy that flowed from deep within her inner being, which caught my attention. I wondered how was this possible, as I sat and listened to such overwelming situations and encounters among the poor, the hurting and the oppressed.
Yet I found much encouragement within her messsage, as I intently listened to her speak before the congregation. After her message, there was ministry time where Heidi and her husband Rolland prayed over the congregation individually. I was hoping that Heidi would eventually find her way to me and be led to lay hands upon me and pray over me. Yet so many people, were desiring the same thing, that I wondered if she would have the time to pray over me. My husband seeing that I was wondering and waiting, then moved me into an area and literally asked Heidi to pray over me.
Heidi’s prayers that she prayed over me were in silence. Most everyone that she prayed over, she spoke over, but very little came out of her mouth as she prayed over me.
It was like she was listening to the Lord and praying silently around what she was receiving from the Lord. Her prayer was brief and then she went onto the next person. Yet I felt the presence of God come upon me, as she prayed over me, which continued to intensify, even after she had completed her prayers over me.
I was thankful to the Lord that she did pray over me, for so many were bidding for her attention. Worship and minstry time throughout the conference was wonderful and for the first time in quite a while, I experienced the presence and joy of the Lord in great abundance and power. That time was so special, that I didn’t want it to come to an end.
The Power of Prayer
Later that evening, I was still in awe of what had happened at the conference. I found myself pondeing all that had happened. My husband and I were talking about all that God had done among us at the conference and then started talking about revelation from the Lord.
My husband receives a lot of revelation from the Lord and I made a comment that I don’t receive revelation from the Lord and told my husband that I wish I did. In fact, the statement that I made was spoken more out of jealousy and complaint, more than through desire. Yet my husband said, “Let’s pray and ask the Lord to give you revelation, and see what the Lord does.”
My husband prayed over me and after glorifying and magnifying God, released the Spirit of Christ, which is prophecy, over me, praying that the Lord would give me dreams, visions and revelation. That my eye’s would be opened, that I might see. I had no idea what I was in for, nor the power within that prayer.
It was very early Friday morning at 2:20 a.m., I found myself awakened by my daughter, who could not go back to sleep. I had just encountered a dream. This dream was so profound and so real, it was like I was there. I wondered if the dream would of continued on, if I had not been awoken by my 9 year old daughter. (This represents an awakening to those that are asleep).
After putting my daughter back to sleep, I found myself writing in my journal the dream. It was so real, I knew it was from the Lord and I did not want to forget any part of it. So at 2:30 a.m., I found myself writing this dream from the Lord at my kitchen table in my journal.
In the dream, I was on a balcony overlooking the cities. Suddenly the moon began to rise. The moon was glowing blood red. It was huge, close up and overwhelming. I stood there in awe, as did the others that were inside the house, watching as the blood red moon rose above us.
I screamed, not in terror, but with such urgency and boldness, “Jesus, the Son of God is coming! Jesus is coming!” Some understood what I was saying, but the others in the house, they didn’t understand. They did not know who Jesus was.
As I turned and looked over the horizon of the balcony, I saw along the hills, rows of glowing infared armies, trucks and cars coming our way. They were the enemy, Satan’s army and co-worker’s coming to destroy. I gathered up everyone in the house and began to share what was happening. Most believed and knew of God, but others did not. The key was they had to believe in Jesus to be saved. They had to believe with ALL their heart.
As the enemy invaded houses, ( meaning satan’s army) they would shoot at everyone with guns. These guns were invisible to everyone, although I could see them. The bullets could not prenetrate a believer through. Anyone who was not a believer would perish and be killed.
After all the non-believers were dead, the enemy targeted the believers left. The believers were tested and taunted. They were forced to put on this device that hooked onto their ears. It was a clear aporates that looked like a scotch tape dispenser. The beliver DID have a way of proctection from this torment and from hearing the tape. The believers had to put on their helmets. These were large white helmets, not unlike a motorcycle helmet, that allowed for vision, but protected the entire head. They were very strong and sturdy.
I urged everyone in the house to put on their helmets before the enemy had a chance to attack and this was their weapon to survial against the enemy that was coming in strength and that would come very swiftly.
At the time, when I was first awoken out of the dream by my daughter, as I had previously stated, I felt such urgency and was in awe to the virtual reality of this dream. In no way could I have made up this dream. I was awoken with such a feeling of urgency. Jesus is coming and soon, so be ready, put on your helmet of salvation and be ready to fight the good fight of faith!
The Lord also spoke to me after writing this dream and said, “I am showing the last days and what is to come.”
I am amazed at what the Lord has shown me within this dream and what the Lord has done in my life. I found true intamacy with Jesus and had a close encounter with God in Julyof 2003, although, I’ve been seeking the Lord since 2001.
At that time, in 2001 to present I have found myself in a progression that took me from church to church, a total of 4 in all. Then eventually I found myself led to the church where I am now a member where the Spriit moves freely and God’s presence and power is abundant. It was through my husband, the man God placed in my life, that I was led to this church.
I have found myself listening and being touched from annointed vessels from all over the world since attending this fellowship. Looking back, it has been such a wonderous journey and I can assure you that at the time, it did not feel like that, as God was bringing forth so much change in my life. It felt as though my world was crumbling and falling apart. Yet Jesus was there in the midst through it all and has forever changed my life.
In regards to this dream, it’s funny, I used to think my husband was looney tunes when he spoke of dreams, visions, revelation and even hearing the audible voice of God. After Heidi Baker’s conference, I complained that I had never received revelation, and sarcastically stated that I wished I could receive revelation from the Lord like my husband does. At that time, my husband prayed over me and asked for revelation, dreams and visions. Like I said, I had no idea the power of that prayer and what I was in for, nor did I have any idea the power of Heidi Baker’s prayers over the congregation asking for dreams and revelation for the congregation. Now I don’t look at my husband and shake my head anymore. God has shown me His power and how real He is and how soon His coming again is. He’s alive and he’s coming back for his Bride (the church) and we all need to be ready.
Joe 2:31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.THE BOOK OF ACTS
Act 2:20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come:
Rev 6:12 ¶ And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
Rev 6:13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
Rev 6:14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
Rev 6:15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
Rev 6:16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
Rev 6:17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
In His Glorious Name Ministries
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