Get It NOW! on Ebook - Pray, Practice and Prosper by Author Craig McIlroy

Now available as an Ebook through Amazon and Barnes and Noble, "Pray, Practice and Prosper, By Doing Business God's Way". A daily devotion for business people' inspired by the Holy Spirit and authored by Craig McIlroy.

"Because our ways are not His ways, we have allowed ourselves to think about money and wealth incorrectly," as the author states. This one year devotional book describing these attitudes and how best to put them into practice. This book focuses on the needs of those in the marketplace, spending the majority of their lives working at their career.

God can mold your character to become who and what God has called you to be. It is done through the gift of the Holy Spirit, which creates a clear vision that will guide your daily choices. As you make these choices, following the leading of the Holy Spirit, you can develop habits that grow character, improve decision-making and prosper every aspect of your life with the right attitudes. Your job IS your ministry and spending 40+ hours a week at work is a great opportunity to live the life God called you to live... even as you prosper through it.

Craig McIlroy has been involved in real estate, investments, and business development since 1983. During that time, he was involved with successfully raising $300 million for acquisition of real estate. He also traveled extensively in the U.S. and Canada, delivering seminars promoting investment, and helping create partnerships to accomplish development projects.

Craig holds a degree in Bachelor of Arts in Finance from California State University - Fullerton, CA and a Master of Business Administration in Finance from Chapman University - Orange, CA. He also holds several professional certifications, including a California State Brokers License, a California State General Contractor "B" License, a NASD Series 7 Security License (Inactive).

He has served as President of a mission congregation and Director of Strategic Ministry Planning for one of the largest and oldest denominations in the world. Craig currently serves on the Board of Mission Support Network. MSN is a 501(c){3) nonprofit organization that meets the needs of the poor spiritually, educationally and physically in the U.S., Africa and Asia by planting churches, training leaders, and feeding, clothing, sheltering and educating the impoverished.

Pray, Practice and Prosper is available in Ebook at Amazon and Barnes and Noble

Prophetic Parables - Daydreams and Night Visions By Charles Duane Henley

Title: Daydreams and Night Visions
Author: Charles Duane Henley
ISBN # 978-1466482685
Review Date: December 27, 2011
Reviewed by CBM Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars

"Daydreams and Night Visions" is a unique collection of beautifully written Holy Spirit inspired prophetic poems, parables and revelations intertwined with author Charles Duane Henley's life testimony. In his book, the author leaves a legacy of eloquent and passion filled poetry that combines his own life experiences and the salvation, comfort and sweet mercies of the Lord Jesus Christ, his Savior. He openly confesses the sins, the trials and the experiences that led him away from Christ as a teen and gladly reveals an amazing journey that led him back into the arms of a loving Father in Heaven. Find encouragement, hope, comfort and faith through the pages of this book. The author's highest hope is that he may share the depth of the love Christ has for each one of us through his poetry and testimony.

As a child once on fire for the Lord, worldly temptations and lusts subtly led the author to a place of sin and addiction that he could never have imagined himself entrapped in. As the proverbial prodigal son, the author describes his amazing 4-day walk that led him back to Christ at a crucial point in his life. An amazing transformation took place on that day as, "The Lord raised me from the dead, " candidly states the author.

Anointed, filled with the Holy Ghost and on fire for the Lord, the author has captured his heart and visions from the Lord through prophetic poems and parables. Listing them in categories, he speaks of many to include his story of addiction, bondage to sin and the torment of his soul while trapped in these sins. The author describes the battle that had begun over his soul, while continuing to describe visions seen of the unseen realm behind the veil as the Lord revealed to him. Henley has also included revelation of the sixth seal in the Book of Revelation and of things to come, such as the rapture of the church. The author also shares the immense love of God through categories such as, "We're Not Alone" and "Wilderness Wanderings". As the author has openly shared, these writings and poems were written and inspired by the Holy Spirit. The author has put down on paper with his pen what the Holy Spirit laid upon his heart to write for the world to read and ponder in awe and faith.

This creative, awe-inspiring book will breath life into your soul as the beautiful poetry unfolds throughout the book. This work of creativity is a true gem, a magnificent work of the Lord, as it shares of Christ's saving grace and love throughout the book.

This book is a wonderful way to evangelize and share the love of Christ with others, especially loved ones walking far from Christ or those trapped in addiction or sin. Bringing hope, faith and encouragement, the words of this book will light a fire in the hearts of the readers for Christ and Him alone. "Daydreams and Night Visions" comes highly recommended - a magnificent and touching true life story of a man redeemed by Jesus Christ that will touch your heart and soul.

Daydreams and Night Visions By Charles Duane Henley

Highly Recommended
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars

Books Reviews by CBM Christian Book Reviews

This Collection of Daily Devotionals is an Ideal Gift that shares the Love of Christ

Title: When I Fall Please Grab My Hand
Author: Christine Z. DeWitte
ISBN # 9781466340527
Review Date: December 19, 2011
Reviewed by CBM Christian Book Reviews
9.9 on a scale of 10.0

Be encouraged and uplifted with this inspirational book, "When I Fall Please Grab My Hand" a delightful, practical and sometimes humorous, collection of 89 daily devotionals gathered from author and women's Bible Study teacher, Christine Z. DeWitte's life lessons and her own personal spiritual growth with the Lord. These enriching writings elevate the reader and direct others to make the Lord a part of their daily life.

Divinely inspired and created with the feminine heart in mind, the chapters are quick and leave one to ponder their own realities in life. Each chapter is endowed by a theme and a scripture reference that applies the Word of God to life in a practical way. Intertwined with the messages she writes, the author shares her daily experiences. She even has left a little place at the end of each chapter for the reader to briefly describe what they may want to commit to the Lord each day.

The author is refreshingly honest about her own downfalls and points out to the reader that obtaining spiritual perfection is not the goal, but rather humble service in love towards each other and the Lord, is the reward to strive for. The reader will learn that our heavenly Father faithfully forgives us when we ask Him and like a Father, He will catch us if we fail in our own daily walk. Christine DeWitte's vibrant writings exhibit the great love that the Lord has for each one of us throughout this book. Upbeat and honest, this author shows her love and faithfulness to her Savior, fostering others' to grow in their own daily walk as the Word of God is applied to each situation.

This collection of daily devotionals is an ideal gift that shares the love of Christ, His precious Word and Kingdom principles that when applied can lead to living a victorious life. The author has the ability to touch the inner heart and attitudes. Her prayer is that this collection of scriptures and thoughtful writings gleaned from her own life will help you in wonderful way, "…even if it just brought a smile to your face," as the author humbly states.

A highly recommended, quick read that is practical, yet profound, encouraging others to daily apply the Word of God to their own life. The title says it all. Our Father in Heaven is there to grab our hand when we fall. How wonderful to know that He is faithfully watching over us every step of the way!

When I Fall Please Grab My Hand by Author Christine Z. DeWitte

Highly Recommended
9.9 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Reviewed by CBM Christian Book Reviews

As Seen On CBN's 700 Club and Life Today, Marsha Lenski - From Sinking Sand

From Christian author and inspirational speaker, Marsha Lenski, come be refreshed with the following three powerful books. Marsha Lenski's writing style is fresh and crisp. Her transparency in her book From Sinking Sand reveals true character and dignity. The novel Pure Intentions is an inspiring novel dealing with a very real issue in today's churches-corruption. Gently delivering a look at integrity vs. hypocrisy, author Marsha Lenski offers an answer for both. Most importantly, Marsha releases her powerful new book WWDKG, Woman With Destiny in the Kingdom of God, a captivating and divinely inspired message from the heart of the Father to women all over the globe. Come, be inspired to stand up and be counted in the Kingdom of God. This is a faith-filled devotional that will lead you on a wondrous path to fulfillment.

For a more detailed account of each exciting book, see below:

From Sinking Sand is an amazing account of one woman's experience playing with the fire of adultery that drove her to her knees and into the loving arms of a faithful God. Christian author and speaker, Marsha Lenski, has been featured on CBN's 700 Club and "Life Today" with James and Betty Robison with her powerful testimony. Her book delivers a heart-warming testament to the forgiveness, love, grace and endless mercy that is found in Jesus Christ. Her story is a familiar one, as the divorce rate in America climbs. Marsha openly shares her heart, offering hope and encouragement to all. In sharing her powerful testimony, the book steers others away from the sin of adultery, offering instead the hope and redemption found in a loving, merciful God.

Pure Intentions, author Marsha Lenski's second book, is an inspirational novel highlighting integrity vs. hypocrisy offering the answer to both. This captivating and entertaining novel is a fictional story of some very real, true to life scenarios where tensions can run high. The two characters that are husband and wife choose integrity as their only answer to corruption in a church as they display their love for one another despite their weaknesses and personal failures. This book is a page-turner and will leave you with your mouth wide open in awe. You'll laugh and you'll cry, a true winner from start to finish!

WWDKG, Woman With Destiny in the Kingdom of God, is a devotional created with the feminine heart in mind that is filled to the brim with hope, faith, encouragement and a divine invitation to come to the One who can truly satisfy, Jesus Christ. Author Marsha Lenski, testifies in her powerful new book release, that your destiny is as unique as you are, created for you and just you, by a loving Father in Heaven who only wants the best for his daughters. As daughters of the Most High God, this book encourages and exhorts women in the Kingdom of God to look forward to their destiny by looking towards their Father in Heaven. Take hold of the promises of God and become a Woman With Destiny in the Kingdom of God. You'll never be the same and you won't want to settle for anything less!

Come and be refreshed. Visit Marsha at Marsha Lenski Ministries

Author Artice Blasts by CBM Christian Book Reviews

Chief Prince Archangel Michael of the Heavenly Wars by Author Josefina Hernandez

Title: Chief Prince Archangel Michael of the Heavenly Wars
Author: Josefina Hernandez
ISBN #: 978-1-61566-301-9
Review Date: December 13, 2011
Reviewed by CBM Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10. stars

Author Josefina Hernandez has beautifully woven scripture as the foundational backdrop in her biblically based fictional novel, "Chief Prince Archangel Michael of the Heavenly Wars." This powerful new book release is a tale that speaks of the heavenly war in Heaven, the war of all wars. The author, through usage of powerful imagery and scripture has created a compelling, entertaining and biblically educational novel. With her use of Jewish lore, the author, inspired by the biblical teaching of the blessings of God has created a fantastic Christian book that promotes the existence of a real and loving God who desires relationship with His creation to the unbeliever and brings to the forefront the knowledge of the spiritual realm that exists eternally outside the confines of time. A promising and amazing read for all who desire a biblically based fantasy fiction novel - a page-turner from start to finish.

Join Michael, the Archangel, and the angelic hosts of Heaven as they battle Prince Archangel Lucifer, the once Anointed Covering Cherubim, created as one of the most beautiful of all the angels of Heaven. Once thought of as the angels' brother, Lucifer has now become the enemy. Lucifer has let evil enter his heart. He wants to take the place of God, for pride has entered his heart and he sees himself as God. Cunningly and methodically he builds up his dark angelic forces to come under his authority and promises victory to all the fallen angels who join him.

In what appears to be peace, Lucifer plans his evil agenda against the Kingdom of God. Lucifer and his dark angels present a formable foe to Michael the Archangel and all the inhabitants of Heaven.

Commissioned by the Lord Almighty, Michael the Archangel is commanded to thwart this uprising. This is the war of all wars; the Great Heavenly War that was predicted long ago by an ancient prophesy that is now coming to pass in this creative, fictional work. Victory has been given to the victor; evil shall not prevail. Come and take a journey to the heavenly realm and re-live the battle that took place so long ago.

This book comes highly recommended and will surely delight the reader providing an incredible, thrilling, suspenseful, action-packed, romantic read for those that enjoy a fictional account of warrior angels and biblical knowledge written as fantasy.

Chief Prince Archangel Michael of the Heavenly Wars by Author Josefina Hernandez

Highly Recommended
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Reviewed by CBM Christian Book Reviews

The Sin of Adultery - From Sinking Sand by Marsha Lenski

Title: From Sinking Sand
Author: Marsha Lenski
ISBN #: 1-591600-05-7
Review Date: December 1, 2011
Reviewed By: Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars

From Sinking Sand is an extraordinary book by Author Marsha Lenski testifying to her moral failure in the form of an adulterous affair. Marsha has been featured on "Life Today" with James and Betty Robison and CBN's 700 Club with her amazing testimony. Her story is a familiar one; at the time, she had no idea the ripple effect her adulterous affair would have in her life, nor that her moral failure would ever be discovered. What makes this book so extraordinary is that the author is brazenly honest and surprisingly transparent as she takes the reader back to her time of playing with the fire of adultery. Not only did she get burned in the process, being reduced to a pile of ashes, but her husband, her children, her close friends and family, extended friends and even acquaintances all learned that no one can play with fire and not get burned. Not only was her life forever changed, but also that of everyone she knew.

This book is a wake-up call to all who might consider adultery as some light thing. Not only is this book a warning, it provides substantial scriptural application that shows how not to 'build your house on sinking sand' while yet offering great hope. That hope is forgiveness and the absolute Truth of God's Word.

It has been Marsha's desire in writing this book to minister to those who are in or who are considering an adulterous relationship. It's a warning, a chance to turn away from those things which might cause you or your loved ones great harm. Marsha eloquently delves into her emotions and what happened to cause her to want to stray from her marriage. She did not set out to destroy anyone and thought she could get away with "her little game" as she puts it, without anyone ever finding out. Little did she know that the destruction that was planned for her was far beyond what she could have ever imagined and the price was so great that she lost everything she held dear. That was the enemy's plan for her life and those involved. That is always his plan. He comes to steal, kill and destroy.

A great understanding of the enemy's (Satan's) vices used against us as believers and non-believers will have been laid bare by reading this book. The enemy is looking to bring destruction and misery anyway he can and temptation is one of his devices. Far too many Americans have tasted the bittersweet, but devastating sting of adultery. The divorce rate in America is almost at 50% and unfortunately, Christians are no exception, as the author's memoir so vividly reveals. The author also reiterates the obvious truth of why God hates divorce; there is always destruction involved.

But there is hope, that hope is found in a loving Savior who died for our sins. The promise of that covenant is written in blood-His own blood for eternity. It doesn't matter how deep of a pit you might be in or what your condition might be, no sin is too great and it's never to late to turn to Jesus Christ as your Savior. This book lovingly testifies to the great love, mercy and grace of God and how, when you surrender your life to the Lord how He can turn your life around for the good.

Come and learn how to build your house on the Rock, so that when the storms of life come, your house will still be left standing!

From Sinking Sand by Author Marsha Lenski

Highly Recommended
10.0 on a scale of 10.0 stars
Book Review by, Christian Book Reviews

Hello Hollywood, the Book

Award winning Author, Janice Thompson does it again with her new release, Hello Hollywood! Fun, entertaining and thoroughly enjoyable Thompson delivers her second book in the Backstage Pass Series, Hello Hollywood. In this romantic comedy, you find Athena Pappas, the head writer on "Stars Collide", one of the most popular shows in television history. She has worked very hard to be where she's at and she'd like to keep it that way. She enjoys scripting her characters' romances and has never felt a glitch until… she meets comedian Stephen Cosse. This Vegas comedian has been brought in to bump up the ratings that have apparently dropped lately. Unbeknownst to Athena, she's in for the ride and love of her life. She's never had trouble writing the romances between her characters, how could this be any different? This fast-paced, quick read will take you to a place of fun, laughter, drama and romance. A heart-warming adventure that you will love to escape to…after all shouldn't life be fun and delicious? Come experience Greek food, culture and Athena as she embarks on this journey of love, life and romance, sometimes as sticky as baklava, as sparks fly between Athena and her new found … love? Guaranteed to stir your soul and satisfy…

Hello Hollywood is a highly recommended book, written by multiple award-winning author, Janice Thompson, who has published over seventy books in the Christian genre arena. Some of her writings do cross the lines of this genre as she has in the past written screenplays for the stage and musical comedies in her early career. As her work then progressed she has written in other arenas such as mysteries, romance novels, historical, non-fiction, devotionals, children's books and more. She is also a public speaker and mentor for young writers interested in freelance work. Her experience in the industry goes far and wide with many years of writing and teaching; her much-acclaimed works and novels are highly regarded in her genre.

You can visit author Janice Thompson at her authors website at Janice Hanna Thompson

A CBM Press Release - New Book Release by Christian Author Marsha Lenski, WWDKG, Woman With Destiny in the Kingdom of God

(A CBM Press Release December 1, 2011)

Destiny Awaits Her!

Prepare to experience something beyond the ordinary! A woman wanting to touch the hem of Jesus' garment will be swept away on an incredible journey of discovery and love. Pause, soak in and hold tightly to the message from Christian author and speaker Marsha Lenski in her inspiring new book WWDKG, Woman With Destiny in the Kingdom of God. Curl up in that comfy chair with this wonderful new devotional and study of God's Word for the feminine heart!

"There's a place in every woman's life where she deserves a standing ovation," Marsha declares from the very first word. Every woman deserves to know a loving God agrees and calls her forward in a burst of heavenly applause. WWDKG is a lighthouse to wholeness and the secret that needs to come out: she is a gift to her world!

WWDKG speaks to a woman's Kingdom destiny and how it is designed with the delicacy of a fine crystal frame meant to hold the original artwork of her legacy. To God, her destiny will be as unique as the prints from the touch her fingertips leave behind, but it won't be an accident. Here a woman learns anew how to let God love her through Jesus Christ. Here is the devotional for one woman or for many to read together again and again.

A woman will have many encounters. God wants to be her # 1 encounter! WWDKG is a gift to women who want God's best for them and those with whom they share their lives. Lavish this one gift upon yourself or a lady in your life you want to applaud and encourage. No woman who reads it will be the same or ever want to settle again for anything less.

Marsha Lenski is the author of two previous books, From Sinking Sand and Pure Intentions. Each is filled to the brim with heart-passion to propel her readers to an appreciation for their God-given uniqueness and call. Her amazing and sometimes startling transparency will stretch your thinking and open your mind to the possibilities for healing, forgiveness and personal growth in spite of tremendous odds and impossibilities.

Marsha Lenski has opened her life on national television interviews that include "Life Today" with James and Betty Robison and CBN's 700 Club. In these interviews Marsha discusses her own moral failure described in her book From Sinking Sand, a must-read for the brokenness this country knows very well. She candidly reveals how God led her from the self-destructive blindness of adultery to the healing path of redemption and true self-discovery in the love of Jesus. Pat Robertson told audiences, "Marsha Lenski's story has touched a nerve in this nation." A courageous read you won't want to miss!

Women stand in line to hear Marsha share her love and passion, encouraging each to let God love her. One woman testified to the work of God in Marsha's life: "Marsha is a unique blend of steel and velvet. The Lord has developed in her the ability to be strong when needed, yet also to be a source of comfort and compassion. I have watched her in joyous times and in brutal times, and witnessed first-hand that dignity, courage and integrity are attributes of her character. Whether you encounter Marsha as an individual, in a group or in her writings, everyone leaves knowing they've had a Divine encounter."

With more than 25 years in ministry, Marsha's passion and message is one of hope and encouragement. She delights in having a part of God's work to empower others through the love of Jesus Christ.

Hailing from central Illinois, Marsha is available for speaking nationwide. You are invited to visit her website at
Marsha Lenski or at Marsha Lenski Ministries and learn more about her books and ministry.

Author Press Releases, a CBM Press Release
