End Times, Latter Days, Tribulation

Do you see what is unfolding around the world. Wars, rumors of wars, kaoz, love waxing cold, famines, weather patterns, financial woes, droughts, and the list is endless. I'm not going to go scriptural here because you either know what the scriptures state or you don't. However for those of us that do, and that have followed the prophecies of the scriptures. We see what is unfolding. Watch as it continues to unfold and heavens time clock comes to earth.

There are numerous end time ministries within the body of Christ. Some that are biblical, some that are semi biblical and some that are just after your money. Find one that is biblical and read the teachings around the scriptures. Prepare yourself for the things to come, the seasons, the tribulations.

Mat 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

Mat 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

Read Matthew Chapter 24

Eye's That See The Needs

There are a lot of hurting people in the world. Truth is we don't have to look far to find them. They are around us daily. At work, at the grocery store, within our communities, on the very streets that we live on and sometimes in our own homes.

What can each of us as Christian's do to reach out to others? Maybe the simplicity of a smile, maybe inviting and buying someone lunch, maybe that single mother that's struggling, maybe that girl or boy down the street that lost a father or mother through a divorce. Truly the opportunities to bless others are all around us, and everywhere. May we all be a friend to someone in need and simply be Christ like.

Blessings, from www.inhisgloriousname.com

Are You Ready

Are you ready for the return of Christ? If Jesus were to suddenly return, or if tomorrow was your last day on earth. Are you ready to stand before God?

Have you given your life to Jesus? Have you received God's forgiveness and free gift of salvation?